COVID Information: RAT tests and Isolation Rules

COVID Information: RAT tests and Isolation Rules

With COVID starting to spread more and more throughout our community, there are some things you need to know.


RAT Tests are now available to purchase

If you have NDIS funds, you can use your core funds to purchase RAT tests. If you are a Pensioner or Concession card holder, you are eligible to collect 10 free RAT tests from a chemist.

For more information CLICK HERE

New Testing and isolation protocols in place, if you test positive to COVID using a RAT test.

  • If you test positive when using a RAT test, you will need to go to a COVID testing clinic and get tested again. If you are not able to get to a COVID testing clinic you need to report it to WA heath.
  • You must isolate for a minimum of 7 days.
  • If you still have COVID symptoms on day 7, you must isolate until symptoms are gone.
  • If you have no symptoms on day 7, you can leave self-isolation.

CLICK HERE if you need to report a positive test

Start Getting your COVID-19 Kit ready

It is worth getting a COVID kit ready just in case you have to isolate due to a positive result. Below are some suggestions of what to keep in your COVID-19 kit:

  • Thermometer
  • Pain Relief
  • Regular medication
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Gloves
  • Masks
  • Food Plan- Online shopping, frozen food
  • Help Lines
  • Activities to do at home while isolating

If you would like a CommGuide to help with getting a RAT test or getting your COVID-19 kit together please CLICK HERE

We hope you all stay safe


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